The stress being a commonly seen health problem is related to the advancement of human kind. Comparing to previous periods, today's world contain much more receptors and hosts the tools that cause stress. The effects of mass media such as mobile phones, internet, television on stress are undeniable.
However, there are many conditions that cause stress in a person. Work or school life, everyday life, anxiety about the future, emotional and physiological conditions, health problems trigger stress. When faced with stress, the body manifests this with certain symptoms.
The development of stress in the body and brain basically takes place in three phases. The first of these phases is when the body encounters stress. A decision needs to be made at this point. The brain prefers either to fight or to escape from the situation that causes stress. The most important part of the fight against stress is the period during which the stress is initially experienced which is considered the first stage.
If the person chooses to run away from it rather than fighting, severe mental and physical problems may occur. Not adapting to stress causes the person to be affected at the same level when it is experienced later on. Therefore, adapting by fighting stress also allows the body to resist possible stressful situations that may be encountered in the future.
Although the effects of stress are mostly thought to occur in the form of mental disorders, they also develop mainly in the form of the occurrence of physiological complications. The effects of stress, especially neck, head and back pain, are largely physiological. One of the most commonly observed symptoms among stress complaints is stomach aches. In addition, symptoms such as anger, nerves, demoralization and absent-mindedness can also occur due to stress.
The most important and effective way to protect yourself from stress is to identify the situation that causes stress. Taking time for yourself at this point is the most effective method of struggle. Activities such as walking, exercise, yoga will make you feel better. In addition, you can also prefer noiseless, peaceful and calm environments to avoid stress.